Compass Mining Facility Update: October 9

Compass Mining Facility Update: October 9

Curtailment incidents and heat-related issues have subsided as we enter the fall season. Our team is committed to working closely with each facility partner to optimize operations, ensure maximum miner uptime and troubleshoot any stragglers.

Compass Mining Facility Update: October 9

Please note the structure used below for our weekly Compass updates:

  • Facility updates: updates on any facility changes, including moving miners between locations, downtime or general information about one of Compass’s partner facilities
  • Deployment updates: updates on current deployments from manufacturers to Compass hosting locations
  • Relocation updates: updates on miners moving from one Compass Mining facility to another

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Ohio 2: Our on-site technicians have received a steady stream of cleaned and repaired TX4 miners as Washington Service Centre finishes with them. The on-site team is working hard to deploy them immediately and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Oklahoma: The facility is operating normally, but a small portion is offline and awaiting a new Power Distribution Unit (PDU) to be delivered and installed. Unfortunately, the shipment timeline of the PDU was extended due to the holidays in China. Still, we are working diligently to expedite the process and minimize any impact on our customers.

Nevada: Due to an outage a few months ago at the Nevada facility, approximately half of the units had to be replaced with temporary units. We are pleased to report that the original machines are back online, and the temporary units (ttx) have been switched off. Customers should now see their original Nevada miners back online on their pool account with the 'nv1' prefix in line with the shortID naming convention.

Texas 1: An extreme weather event has caused a transmission line to go down at the substation, resulting in 50% of the miners going offline. The electric company has informed us that the parts needed for repair will be delivered in about 6-8 weeks. Our team on-site is working closely with the utility provider to explore all possible options to expedite the process.

Texas Curtailments: There has been a significant reduction in curtailment incidents, although we have observed a few curtailment instances when temperatures in the area are higher than usual. The curtailment data from the last two weeks indicates the following trends:

Compass Mining Facility Update: October 9

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

ShortID Rollout

We are pleased to inform you that the shortID rollout has been completed, and all miners have been updated to our new naming convention. The remaining units will require updating as they come back online from repair or relocation. If you notice any miners still using the old format, please let us know so we can update them accordingly. You can visit our article here to learn more about our new naming convention.

Bundle orders

Next Generation Bundles: We will continue to deploy additional XPs in small batches as rackspace becomes available to fulfil the pending deployments.

Turnkey orders

Antminer S19j Pro+ 120TH: S19j Pro+ units are available as Turnkey miners in Texas 3 and Ohio 2. The hashrate for turnkey units can be directed to customer pool accounts within 48 hours of purchase.

Whatsminer M50S++: M50S++ units in Minnesota and Nebraska are available on the website for immediate deployment.

Future Deployments

S19k Pro: We S19k Pro units are available on our website. These are expected to be deployed in the coming about 6 weeks at our Ohio 2 facility.

Relocation Updates

North Carolina

The miners arrived at the Minnesota facility last week. Our on-site technicians have finished inspecting, cleaning and deploying the majority of these units. Customers should now see their North Carolina miners back online on their pool account dashboard with a new prefix “mn1” but the same shortID.

Texas 4

We are in the final stages of this process and will cease operations at the facility. The final batch of units is being packaged and prepared for shipping.

S19 XP units: More customers should see their XPs return online after ultrasonic cleaning and warranty repair at a new facility. The DSC continues to work through the XP backlog.

Non-XP units:  The technicians at Texas 4 are continuing to pack up our units for shipping. Only about 650 units remain on the racks now. The rest have been unracked and are being prepared for shipping. Over 500 miners from TX4 have been through the Washington Service Centre and redeployed at new facilities and are hashing to specification. We expect a steady stream of units out of Washington Service Centre over the coming weeks as it ramps up. We are now processing about 400 units a week.

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