Compass Mining Facility Update: October 23

Compass Mining Facility Update: October 23

Curtailment incidents and heat-related issues have subsided as we enter the fall season. Our team is committed to working closely with each facility partner to optimize operations, ensure maximum miner uptime, and troubleshoot any stragglers.

Compass Mining Facility Update: October 23

Please note the structure used below for our weekly Compass updates:

  • Facility updates: updates on any facility changes, including moving miners between locations, downtime or general information about one of Compass’s partner facilities
  • Deployment updates: updates on current deployments from manufacturers to Compass hosting locations
  • Relocation updates: updates on miners moving from one Compass Mining facility to another

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Ohio 2: The facility is continually receiving miners from our Denver and Washington service centers. Our on-site team is deploying them and addressing any potential issues promptly.

Oklahoma: The shipment of the power distribution unit (PDU) required to complete the on-site repair is still pending in China. We are currently awaiting further updates on the delivery timeline. Once the PDU arrives at the facility, our on-site technician will promptly begin the repair process.

Texas 1: The electric company has successfully expedited the timeline for repairing the transmission line. They aim to have the line operational during the second week of November, two weeks earlier than the initial projected completion date. Our team eagerly awaits a more precise timeline for the completion of this repair.

Texas 5: The facility has received relocation units from Washington. The on-site technician will begin deploying them within this week.

Texas Curtailments: Although facilities still need to perform power curtailments, the length and frequency have significantly reduced. The curtailment data from the last two weeks indicates the following trends:

Compass Mining Facility Update: October 23

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Bundle orders

Next Generation Bundles: We have deployed 50 new XPs in our Ohio 2 facility. We will continue deploying additional XPs in small batches as rack space becomes available to fulfil the pending deployments.

Turnkey orders

Antminer S19j Pro+ 120TH: S19j Pro+ units are available as Turnkey miners in Texas 3 and Ohio 2. The hashrate for turnkey units can be directed to customer pool accounts within 48 hours of purchase.

Whatsminer M50S++: M50S++ units in Minnesota and Nebraska are available on the website for immediate deployment.

Future Deployments

S19k Pro: We S19k Pro units are available on our website. These are expected to be deployed at our Ohio 2 facility in about six weeks.

Relocation Updates

Texas 4

We have successfully shipped all units out of Texas 4. As we relocate the miners, we will keep customers informed via email updates on the progress of their specific miner.

S19 XP units: DSC will continue to process the remaining XP backlog. Customers will begin to see their miners come back online as we start to ship miners to facilities for redeployment.

Non-XP units:  All units have been removed from the facility and shipped to our partner service centre for ultrasonic cleaning, testing, and repairs if necessary. Our Washington Service Center continues to ship completed miners to different facilities for redeployment.

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