Compass Mining Facility Update: January 8

Compass Mining Facility Update: January 8

Despite some demand spikes in Texas and Minnesota, which resulted in some curtailments, all our facilities have been operating optimally, and we're working hard to minimize any impact on our customers.

Compass Mining Facility Update: January 8

Please note the structure used below for our weekly Compass updates:

  • Facility updates: updates on any facility changes, including moving miners between locations, downtime, or general information about one of Compass’s partner facilities
  • Deployment updates: updates on current deployments from manufacturers to Compass hosting locations
  • Relocation updates: updates on miners moving from one Compass Mining facility to another

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Manitoba: Although the facility did not conduct any curtailments, Manitoba 6 and 7 faced a temporary power loss, which has now been resolved.

Ohio 2: Our on-site technicians are working diligently to deploy a combination of relocation miners and newly purchased units at the facility.

Ontario 1:  A Bitmain technician arrived on-site to assist with hash board repairs. This is to help expedite the repair process and minimize downtime for our miners at the facility.

Texas 5: The facility experienced a temporary disruption in its operations due to a power outage at a nearby substation. This was resolved within three days, and all miners at the facility are now back online and hashing.

Curtailment & Outage Trends:

Over the past two weeks, Minnesota 1 and Texas 1 have undergone curtailments, and Manitoba and Texas 5 sites have experienced power outages. The following summerizes curtailment and downtime activities across all our facilities.

Compass Mining Facility Update: January 8

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Bundle orders

Next Generation Bundles: We have deployed 85 XP units at Ohio 2 and have completed all deployment backlogs.

Turnkey orders

Antminer S19j Pro+ 120TH: S19j Pro+ turnkey units are available at Texas 3 and can be directed to customers' pool accounts within 48 hours of purchase.

Whatsminer M50S++: M50S++ units are available for immediate deployment in Minnesota and Nebraska through our website.

Whatsminer M50S: We have M50S units for sale in Minnesota through our Compass Marketplace.

Future Deployments

S19k Pro: We're getting more units so that they're available for new purchases.

Relocation Updates

Oklahoma 1

Our Texas 3 facility has received all the customer units, and we are cleaning and checking the miners before deploying them on-site. This step ensures the miners are in the best possible condition and ready to operate efficiently.

Texas 4

We continue to process units at the service center and transport them to different facilities. We're making good progress in bringing more relocation miners online.

S19 XP units: The DSC team is working on clearing the XP backlogs. We are communicating updates to customers through relocation tickets for units that are now online and effectively mining at their new facility.

Non-XP units: All the remaining units that have been serviced at the Washington service center are currently being prepared for shipment to our Texas 3 facility, where they will be redeployed.

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