Compass Mining Facility Update: February 12

Compass Mining Facility Update: February 12

We are pleased to share that our facilities’ uptime have significantly improved. Over the past week, we have observed a reduction in curtailments, leading to better uptime at all sites.

Compass Mining Facility Update: February 12

Please note the structure used below for our weekly Compass updates:

  • Facility updates: updates on any facility changes, including moving miners between locations, downtime, or general information about one of Compass’s partner facilities
  • Deployment updates: updates on current deployments from manufacturers to Compass hosting locations
  • Relocation updates: updates on miners moving from one Compass Mining facility to another

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Indiana 1/2: We have been working with the on-site technicians to improve the facility hash rate and maximize machine utilization. We now have 93% of all miners hashing at the facility and are working to close the gap over the coming weeks.

Ohio 2: One of the facility's containers was temporarily taken offline for maintenance. After completing maintenance, the facility is back at 98% utilization.

Ontario 1: Our facility technicians are conducting a thorough audit of the site. As part of this exercise, they will also assess each unit's performance and conduct proactive diagnostics to maximize utilization at the site. The current facility utilization is 96%.

Texas 3: We continue to work closely with our onsite technicians to address the backlog of units requiring diagnostics, ensuring a steady and efficient progression for those needing repairs.

Texas 5: Bitmain technicians are on-site to repair faulty hashboards. On-site technicians are working diligently to identify additional units requiring repair and moving them into the repair queue.

Curtailment & Outage Trends:

Our facilities’ uptime have seen notable improvements as the necessity for maintenance and curtailment has decreased over the past week. Below is a summary outlining curtailment and downtime activities across all our facilities during the previous week.

Compass Mining Facility Update: February 12

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Turnkey Miners

Whatsminer M50S++: We currently have M50S++ units in stock and ready for immediate deployment in Minnesota.

Whatsminer M50S: We still have M50S units available in Minnesota, ready for deployment.

Future Deployments

Antminer S19k Pro: We have acquired additional units scheduled for activation in mid-March. To ensure that our customers experience no disruption in their online date, we have deployed temporary units until the new miners are online.

Antminer S21: Units from the initial deployment batch have been secured and are now in transit. We anticipate these units to be online by mid-March.

Relocation Updates

Texas 4

We are progressing steadily with our relocation efforts by shipping and redeploying miners to various facilities.

S19 XP units: Some miners are still undergoing repairs and testing at DSC. However, we are progressing well with the redeployment of units to different facilities as planned.

Non-XP units: We will continue shipping units in small batches as part of our relocation efforts. Additionally, we will continue re-evaluating slot availability across multiple sites as part of this process.

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