Compass Mining Facility Update: December 4

Compass Mining Facility Update: December 4

All our facilities are delivering excellent uptime and machine utilization rates with almost no incidents or outages. We have seen some electricity price spikes in Texas and Minnesota, which have led to some curtailments. Despite this, all our facilities have been operating optimally.

Compass Mining Facility Update: December 4

Please note the structure used below for our weekly Compass updates:

  • Facility updates: updates on any facility changes, including moving miners between locations, downtime, or general information about one of Compass’s partner facilities
  • Deployment updates: updates on current deployments from manufacturers to Compass hosting locations
  • Relocation updates: updates on miners moving from one Compass Mining facility to another

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Indiana 1/2: We have acquired the necessary parts to facilitate the ongoing hash board repairs conducted by Bitmain technicians on-site. We’ve also sent some units to our partner repair center to expedite the process.

Manitoba 2-9: Manitoba 8 temporarily went offline as the site migrated to a new Internet Service Provider (ISP). The migration was successful, and all the miners have come back online. Manitoba 9 also conducted electrical maintenance with little to no impact on most units at the facility.

Ohio 2: Our on-site technicians have successfully deployed approximately 100 new XP units. They were also busy with network and electrical maintenance activities the past week.

Oklahoma 1: Our contract with the facility concluded on November 30, and we have chosen not to extend. We are currently in the process of preparing these miners for relocation to a new facility. We have contacted all customers whose miners are at the facility and we will continue to provide updates on their relocation tickets.

Texas 1:  Due to regular fluctuations in the local electricity price, the facility has had a series of curtailments since last week in response to the demand on the grid. We expect the curtailments to remain frequent until the grid stabilises.

Texas 3: The facility has been stable over the last two weeks with no curtailments or outages. Nearly all (96%) miners hosted at Texas 3 are hashing without issues. This is the result of our continuous coordination with the on-site technicians at the facility.

Texas 5: We continue to work with our on-site technicians to tackle the backlog. We are making consistent progress in identifying units needing repair and coordinating the shipments.

Curtailment & Outage Trends:

Only Ohio 3, Texas 1, Texas 5, and Minnesota facilities had curtailment incidents in the past two weeks. Downtime in other facilities is primarily due to preventive maintenance and upgrades, as mentioned in the individual facility update above. Here is an overview of the curtailment and downtime activity for this fortnight.

Compass Mining Facility Update: December 4

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Bundle orders

Next Generation Bundles: We successfully deployed 20 XPs to customers last week, and an additional 100 units were energized and are being assigned to customers at Ohio 2. There are 75 units in transit from Asia, which will be deployed in the coming weeks to address the remaining deployment backlogs.

Turnkey orders

Antminer S19j Pro+ 120TH: We have S19j Pro+ turnkey units available at Texas 3, ready to be directed to customers' pool accounts within 48 hours of purchase. However, the S19j Pro+ at Ohio 2 is currently out of stock.

Whatsminer M50S++: M50S++ units in Minnesota and Nebraska are available on the website for immediate deployment.

Whatsminer M50S: We still have M50S units in Minnesota available for purchase through our Compass Marketplace.

Future Deployments

S19k Pro: Deployment of pending S19k Pro units customers is complete. We are now making additional units available for new purchases.

Relocation Updates

Texas 4

Due to limited operations during the recent holidays, there was a slowdown in our processing and deployment. However, operations resumed last week, and we are now processing and preparing miners for redeployment at a steady pace.

S19 XP units: The DSC team continues to work on the XP backlogs. We are sending updates through relocation tickets to customers whose units are now online and hashing at their new facility.

Non-XP units: The Washington service center has secured additional resources to help accelerate the cleaning and testing of the remaining Texas 4 units. We have successfully shipped over 2500 non-XP units to different facilities for redeployment.

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