Compass Mining Facility Update: December 18

Compass Mining Facility Update: December 18

We're proud to report that we've had very few incidents or outages across all our facilities. However, we did experience some electricity price spikes in Texas and Minnesota, which resulted in some curtailments. Despite this, all our facilities have been operating optimally, and we're working hard to minimize any impact on our customers.

Compass Mining Facility Update: December 18

Please note the structure used below for our weekly Compass updates:

  • Facility updates: updates on any facility changes, including moving miners between locations, downtime, or general information about one of Compass’s partner facilities
  • Deployment updates: updates on current deployments from manufacturers to Compass hosting locations
  • Relocation updates: updates on miners moving from one Compass Mining facility to another

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Indiana 1/2: We have shipped the remaining hash board repair units offsite. We are waiting for the arrival of other parts onsite that we need to continue with non-hash board repairs. Our team is working hard to get the miners back up and hashing at the facility.

Manitoba 8: An outage was reported by the hydro company in the area, which was resolved within 3 hours. However, this outage resulted in electrical issues at the Manitoba 8 facility, leading to an extended downtime. The issue was resolved within 24 hours.

Nevada 1: The facility has been doing an excellent job of keeping the miners online. Last week, it maintained a utilization rate of 100%. Additionally, over the past two weeks, the overall utilization rate has been at  99%.

Ontario 1: Our team is working closely with the on-site team to bring more miners online and improve the facility's hash rate.

Texas 1: Due to the volatile energy prices, the facility experienced an increased frequency of curtailment incidents. However, the onsite team has been working hard to ensure all miners are coming back online after the curtailment.

Curtailment & Outage Trends:

For the past two weeks, Manitoba 2, Minnesota 1, Texas 1, and Texas 5 facilities have conducted curtailments in response to fluctuations in energy prices. Manitoba 8 is the only facility with a recorded power-related outage. Here is an overview of the curtailment and downtime activity for this fortnight.

Compass Mining Facility Update: December 18

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Bundle orders

Next Generation Bundles: We are pleased to announce the successful deployment of over 100 XP units to our customers at Ohio 2. We are expecting the final batch of XPs to arrive next which will complete the deployment backlog.

Turnkey orders

Antminer S19j Pro+ 120TH: S19j Pro+ turnkey units at Texas 3 are still available and ready to be directed to customers' pool accounts within 48 hours of purchase.

Whatsminer M50S++: M50S++ units in Minnesota and Nebraska are available on the website for immediate deployment.

Whatsminer M50S: We have M50S units in Minnesota available for purchase through our Compass Marketplace.

Future Deployments

S19k Pro: We are procuring additional units to make them available for new purchases.

Relocation Updates

Oklahoma 1

The onsite technicians are currently de-racking units and preparing them for shipment. Considering the upcoming December holidays, the shipment is expected to leave for Texas 3 in the first week of January. Billing has been paused for the miner being relocated out of OK1, and credits will be provided to those who have paid their December invoice in the next cycle.

Texas 4

We continue to process units at the service center and transport them to different facilities. We're making good progress in bringing more relocation miners online.

S19 XP units: The DSC team is trying to address the XP backlogs. We continue to send updates to customers through relocation tickets for units that are now online and effectively hashing at their new facility. We are expecting a shipment of 150 XPs to be re-deployed next week.

Non-XP units: The Washington service center has completed ultrasonic cleaning for all miners. Once testing is complete, the miners will be dispatched to their respective facilities. Approximately 20 pallets of miners are being prepared for shipping. We expect these 400 miners to come online over the next two weeks.

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