Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 5

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 5

Last week, our facilities recorded an overall uptime of 90.22%, with increased curtailments observed at several sites. Detailed information is provided in the chart below:

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 5

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Indiana 2: The on-site team is actively improving airflow to address and resolve the current heat issues. Their efforts are focused on optimizing ventilation and implementing effective cooling solutions to enhance overall performance.

Iowa 3: Expansion is progressing as planned; this deployment mainly includes relocated miners from Texas 3. The onsite team is currently racking and preparing for energisation. We anticipate that the units will start coming online on August 14th.

Ontario 1: Due to warmer weather conditions in the region, the site experienced frequent curtailment last week. The on-site team is focusing on addressing repairs during the downtime.

Ohio 2: Technicians are continuously working on fan repairs and diagnosing non-functional units. We are still awaiting a resolution for the exhaust fan and electrical issues affecting a few containers. Updates will be posted on the Status Page once we have more information.

Curtailments & Outages:

Minnesota, Ontario, and other facilities have continued to experience frequent curtailments due to high temperatures and elevated grid demand. The table below summarizes downtime across all our facilities for the past week.

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 5

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Turnkey Miners

We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 5

Relocation Updates

Texas 3 & Nebraska 1 Relocation

The cleaning and inspection of the relocation units at DSC is in progress. Approximately 1100 units have been redeployed in Indiana and are hashing optimally. A batch of 850 units is en route to our facility in Iowa and is expected to be operational starting August 14. Another batch of 1600 units has been dispatched to Iowa last week to occupy the remaining slots. The remaining relocation units will be relocated to our new site in Nebraska starting on August 15.

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