Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 19

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 19

Our facilities achieved an uptime of 95.56% last week, reflecting a notable decrease in curtailments. For more details, please refer to the chart below:

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 19

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Indiana 1/2:

Driven by the onsite team’s relentless effort and effective management of issues and repairs, the facility has maintained 98% utilization and 100% uptime this week.

Iowa 2/3:

The facility has consistently maintained 99% utilization with minimal outages. An additional 1,700 units from Texas 3 have been redeployed at the facility. The site will work on the small number of miners that remain offline after last week’s deployment.

Manitoba 2-9:

The site's performance has improved this week thanks to the onsite team’s continuous efforts to address offline units and perform repairs.

Minnesota 1:

This week, the facility has maintained 100% uptime while achieving approximately 99% utilization. The team is focused on proactively inspecting miners and addressing any necessary repairs.

Ontario 1:

Facility utilization has increased as the team continues to address pending repairs. The onsite team has successfully repaired several S21 units and is now waiting for a few remaining units from the repair center to complete the re-racking process.

Ohio 2:

Electricians will continue to visit the site to address additional issues with some containers. Meanwhile, the onsite team will keep working through the repair and diagnostics queue. We will provide updates on our Status Page. We hope these issues are resolved soon.

Curtailments & Outages:

Last week, Texas 1 experienced power curtailments, while Texas 5 was undergoing maintenance. The table below summarizes the outages for last week:

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 19

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Turnkey Miners

We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 19

Relocation Updates

Texas 3 & Nebraska 1 Relocation

Approximately 1,700 relocated units have been redeployed to the Iowa facility, with the remaining Texas 3 miners planned for deployment in Nebraska. The Nebraska facility is expected to start coming online starting September 15th. In the meantime, we will do our best to accommodate temp requests and also assign temp miners proactively to get customers awaiting relocation back online and hashing as soon as possible.

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