XRP News

Legal Expert Says ‘Nothing Prevents Ripple From Selling Its XRP’

Pro-XRP legal Bill Morgan has weighed in on recent discussions revolving… More…

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XRP News: Legal Expert Reveals Why A Ripple IPO Cannot Happen In 2024

Pro-XRP lawyer and cryptocurrency enthusiast Bill Morgan has raised… More…

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Ripple CTO Clarifies: 25 Billion XRP ‘Transaction’ Was Not A Vulnerability

David Schwartz, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Ripple, has commented… More…

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50% Of The XRP Circulating Supply Moved To The Bitfinex Crypto Exchange?

On Sunday, January 14, Whale Alerts, a platform that tracks and reports… More…

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Bitfinex Thwarts $15B Cybersecurity Attack Involving XRP

Coinspeaker Bitfinex Thwarts $15B Cybersecurity Attack Involving… More…

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XRP Takes A Hit As It’s Dropped From Hong Kong’s Top 5 Crypto Index

XRP has taken a significant hit in its Hong Kong Virtual Asset Consortium… More…

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Total XRP Burn Crosses $6.8 Million, What Percentage Of Supply Is Gone Forever?

The XRP community is ramping up its efforts when it comes to the burning… More…

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Ethereum Insider Says ETH ETF Not Coming Next, Cardano And XRP Are Better Prepared

Ethereum insider Steven Nerayoff has once again hit Ethereum, but… More…

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Ripple CTO Addresses XRP Price Suppression Accusations

Ripple’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) David Schwartz has addressed… More…

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Ripple CTO Responds To Community Calls To Burn XRP Holdings

The XRP community has continually voiced concerns regarding the … More…

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