Ethereum racked up $1.2 billion in revenue from transaction fees … More…
It took 203 days for Coinbase’s Base network to notch $1 billion in … More…
The devs argue that raising the gas limit to 40 million will cut Ethereum’s… More…
The 350% jump in Base daily transactions came amid a vast reduction… More…
The landlocked country of Andorra sought technical assistance from… More…
Wallet APIs enable users to quickly locate ERC-20 tokens by wallet… More…
The Serenity Shield team said it is “actively working” to redeploy… More…
A blockchain validator verifies transactions in the proposed blocks… More…
Ethereum developers opposing Vitalik’s gas limit increase suggestion… More…
During an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) on Reddit, Vitalik Buterin suggested… More…
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