BRICS membership

BRICS Invites 6 Countries to Join, Including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran

The BRICS economic bloc has invited six countries to become new members:… More…

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BRICS Expansion Will Speed Up De-Dollarization, Chinese Expert Says

As more countries join the BRICS economic bloc, there will be a significant… More…

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23 Countries Apply for BRICS Membership as Leaders Prepare to Convene at Summit

South Africa, the host of the BRICS summit this year, has published… More…

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BRICS Interest Soars: 40+ Countries Seek Membership as De-Dollarization Efforts Grow

South Africa’s top diplomat responsible for BRICS relations… More…

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BRICS Nations Discuss Expansion Plan as Membership Interest Grows

The BRICS countries are developing guidelines in response to increasing… More… The post BRICS Nations Discuss Expansion Plan ...

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