Nebraska 1 Client Q&A

Nebraska 1 Client Q&A

Compass Mining held a Question & Answer session Wednesday, November 23 on the current operational status of Nebraska 1. We thank all our clients for attending and their follow up questions.

Below is a copy of common questions and responses from our team and a video of the event.

Why is Nebraska 1 offline?

Nebraska 1 is a partner facility formerly owned and operated by Compute North, which recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protections.

Multiple transformers failed at the site in early October. Unfortunately, Compute North was unable to amend the situation due to its bankruptcy proceedings. The site’s transformers and affected units would therefore have to wait until a new site owner and operator was found.

Is Compass Mining in danger of losing the hosting spot due to Compute North?

Compass Mining’s hosting agreement has been honored by the new site owner, to which we have a great working relationship with. We look forward to continued hashing at the Nebraska 1 site.

Who is the new site operator?

We are unable to disclose the site operator’s name. However, we have a fantastic working relationship with the same site operator at a different Compass Mining partner facility. We look forward to the new site operator coming on board.

When will Nebraska 1 go back online?

As of publishing time, Nebraska 1 should be back online by Thursday, December 1.

Can I take possession of my machine from Nebraska 1?

We may honor some machine requests, depending on the particular account's circumstances. Please file a support ticket for review if you wish to terminate your account early and take possession of your unit.

What does the Nebraska 1 site look like?

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