Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 12

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 12

With fewer curtailments last week, our facilities achieved an overall uptime of 94.94%. For further details, please see the chart below:

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 12

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Indiana: The optimization of the ventilation systems has led to increased operational efficiency and improved utilization while maintaining 100% uptime. The team is also diligently addressing ongoing repairs, prioritizing the swift resolution of issues.

Iowa 2/3: New S21 units have been deployed, and the relocated units have been shipped to the site. As planned, we anticipate the miners will be online by August 14th.

Ontario 1: The facility's uptime and utilization have significantly improved. The team continues to make room for new units while addressing and repairing those with issues in the queue.

Ohio 2: One of the containers has been repaired. We await the electrician's return to address electrical and exhaust fan issues in the remaining containers. We will continue to post updates on our Status Page.

Texas 5: The site will undergo maintenance this week to improve airflow and heat management. Small portions of the facility will be turned off during this maintenance. Our on-site team will bring the miners back online as soon as the maintenance is complete. We will provide updates on the Status Page once maintenance is completed.

Curtailments & Outages:

Last week, Texas 1 and Texas 5 had to curtail several times to meet power grid demands. The table below summarizes downtime across all our facilities for the past week.

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 12

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Turnkey Miners

We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:

Compass Mining Facility Update: Aug 12

Relocation Updates

Texas 3 & Nebraska 1 Relocation

A total of 2,600 miners have been shipped to Iowa for deployment over the coming two weeks. The remaining Texas 3 miners will be deployed in Nebraska. The initial estimates were for an August 15th energization in Nebraska; however, we are experiencing minor delays. We will provide an update on the new energization date as soon as it is confirmed.

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